Melissa Price MP Announces Federal Government Promise of  $3million if  Federal Government is Re-elected

On Friday morning 17 June, Melissa Price  MP held a press conference in the Cathedral together with Bishop Justin Bianchini and the Cathedral Precinct Project Committee to announce that the Federal Government will provide $3million dollars to complete the Cathedral Precinct Project. subject to the Government being re-elected.

Melissa Price said the Cathedral was of national heritage significance and she was delighted to make this announcement.

Bishop Bianchini was equally delighted to receive the commitment of the Federal Government and spoke about how this will allow the completion of the Cathedral Precinct Project which was very close to his heart.

The Cathedral Precicnt Project Committee Chair, Mr Bernard Brown, said the commitment of the Federal Government to the project recoginised and built on the commitment of funds not only by the State Government through Royalty for Regions and Lotterywest, but also the great generosity of the local community of Geraldton.

Mr Brown stressed that the community generosity was accross the whole community and not just from the Catholic community, as the Cathedral and indeed the whole heritage of Monsignor Hawes was treasured and belonged to the whole community of the Midwest, as such was supported by them with great generosity.

Fr Robert Cross pointed out that St Francis Xavier's Cathedral was recognised in an authoritive publication detailing the top most magnificent Cathedrals in the world as among the top 80, and is described as one of the finest Cathedrals built in the 20th century and most certainly among if not Australia's most significant Cathedrals.

Click the folowing link to see GWN7's news video of the announcement:

Click here to read Melissa Price Media Release: