
Be part of the conversation regarding the issues of euthanasia / assisted suicide and the implications for all Western Australians. Understand the possible changes in the end-of-life space and protect your loved ones.

Please read the information provided in the following links:-

"Government to introduce Bill to legalise voluntary assisted dying and improve end-of-life choices for Western Australians".

Care for Life is an informal association of individuals, groups and organisations concerned at moves to legalise euthanasia and/or assisted suicide in Western Australia. Through their website they hope to raise awareness of the substantial medical, ethical and legislative problems that inevitably accompany euthanasia or assisted suicide wherever they are introduced. They are seeking to restore critical reason and balance to the (currently) uncritical acceptance of euthanasia.

Parliament of Western Australia

1. Enter your postcode in 'Find Local Member' search box located in bottom right of the page
2. See the hperlink immediately following the elected member's name for the additional members of your Region. Each Region should have 7 Representatives.
3. Contact each one and use "What to say when you have found them" if you are unsure of what points to make.

Real care, love and compassion

View also this short video which is part of God So Loved the World   Life Issues DVD (also includes Abortion and Reproductive Technologies).

Purchase Life Issues Series DVD

No copyright fee is payable.

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Public Policy Office
GPO Box 368, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Australia
t: +61 2 6201 9845 e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.